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Dark Sky Community Event
Thank You Crestone Colorado...
The Stars are happy!
Our celestial skies have become darker once again thanks to everyone's awareness, love and sweet efforts.
It's time to celebrate the fruits of our intentions.
The next Dark Sky Street Fest free live music event will be this upcoming August 21 in Downtown Crestone.
Live music, beautiful people, the Saturday market & much fun for everyone!!!
Read about our recent International Dark Sky Designation!In May of 2021, the Town of Crestone received the IDSC designation and was named an International Dark Sky Community, becoming the fourth community in Colorado and the 31st in the world to receive the designation. Crestone Colorado and the Baca is one of the most beautiful, highly creative and unique communities on the earth plane. You can look up and literally see the Milky Way in all its glory. The Universe is at our fingertips and 70% of the people on this planet will never have this experience since the invention of the lightbulb 140 years ago. Humans have lived by the stars for eons. There is fantastic and helpful information located on the International Dark-Sky Website. Please take the time and go to WWW.Darksky.Org Thank again Crestone for this Auspicious and Brilliant accomplishment! Media Enquiries Town of Crestone, Colorado Mayor Kairina Danforth Email: Tel.: +1 719-256-5445
Town of Crestone Colorado © 2021
Made with Love by Sage&Crane
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